You'll need a septic tank if you own a home far from the public sewer. Since the tank is a crucial part of your home's functionality, you must build it correctly.
The first step to installing an efficient septic system is consulting a septic tank installation expert. You must also understand the basics to help you choose and install the right tank.
Here are four tips to guide you.
1. Choose an Appropriate Septic Tank Design
Septic tanks come in different designs and materials. When you choose the type of tank you want for your home, consider the number of people it will serve. Also, consider the tank's functionality and the local regulations regarding septic installation.
You can research septic sizing in your area to determine which type of tank suits your needs.
The different septic tank designs you can choose from include the following:
Most people prefer concrete tanks because they are durable. These tanks are precast before installation to make them durable and watertight. The downside to installing a concrete tank is that you need a truck-mounted crane to lower the tank. You'll also place the lid after you install the tank. Thus you risk leaks in case of poorly sealed joints.
Fiberglass, metal, and plastic septic tanks are great alternatives to concrete tanks. These tanks are equally strong, durable, and easier to install and maintain. The tanks come in single pieces, reducing the risks of leaks.
2. Hire a Professional for the Job
DIY septic tank installation project is not as effective as professional installation for many reasons. First, you must meet the building regulations in your area. This task may be daunting if you're not familiar with the laws.
Second, installing a septic tank takes time, resources, and, most importantly, expertise. Hiring a professional for the job will make it easier and cost-effective.
A septic tank installation expert knows all the building regulations and will guide you in doing the project right. The experts have the experience required and will do a better job in a shorter time.
3. Get the Ventilation Right
Septic tanks hold waste from your household and can emit odors onsite. Therefore, ensure the ventilation on and around the tank is functional.
Ventilate the ends of the percolation trenches. You should also ensure enough ventilation in the wastewater treatment plant.
Alternatively, connect a soil vent pipe to your sewer system to vent sewage gases.
For more information, contact a local company, like Richardson Grading And Septic.